Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD) has engaged Mr. Robert Nkwangu as Project Manager and Advisor under the “COVID-19: DO NOT LEAVE DEAF PEOPLE BEHIND! Project“. The one-year project is implemented by a number of implementation partners namely: Association des Sourds du Togo (AST), Jordanian Federation of the Deaf (JFD), Rwandan National Union of the Deaf, Federación Nacional de Sordos de Colombia (FENASCOL), World
Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and Danish Deaf Association (DDL) and is being supervised by GNAD. The project is being funded by the Disability Fund under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and focus on developing a toolkit on COVID-19 to support national level advocacy which will benefit all Ordinary Members of the WFD.
Robert Nkwangu, an Ugandan Nationality, is a specialist in Social Sector Planning and Management. A profound Deaf person with practical hand on experiences. Mr. Robert Nkwangu has practical experiences in development work, strategic planning, program management, high level oversight, advocacy and networking.
Prior to joining GNAD, Mr. Robert Nkwangu worked with various national and international organizations focusing on rights of children, youth and Persons with Disabilities. He has travelled globally engaging in development work, building capacities, presenting papers and advocating for an all-inclusive society. He brought wealthy of experiences from and shall be working on the project remotely!
Together, WCARS and GNAD wishes him the best of luck in this COVID-19 project!