The Republic of Ghana is distinguished to be the host country to hold the 3rd WCARS project forum in 2021. Ghana that is the supervisor country of the WCARS since 2017, had the privilege of being selected due to its geographical location and its socio-political stability. The country has logistical means, hotels, and technological infrastructures. In addition, the safety of participants is guaranteed.
The project forum has been meeting annually since 2018 to ensure that WCARS creates an effective network and structures between Deaf associations in West and Central Africa Region and to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiences.
The participants of the meeting will be made up of various representatives of the project countries, representatives of the host country, members of the WCARS board and partners organisations such as DDL and WDF.
The project forum meeting will focus on the sharing of reports, end-of-project evaluation of the previous project, WCARS board meetings. There will be discussions of adjusting the TOT model, project structure, project management structure, communication, priorities for the upcoming project, etc.
The schedule of the forum activities will run in October 2021 in Accra, the capital of the Republic of Ghana.